52 Pegasus Main Street

Pegasus Town

PO Box  78041

 Pegasus, 7648

Phone 03 920 4060




Dr. Janet Robinson

Dr. John Dehn

Dr Jo Macgregor

Dr George Dehn

Dr Roger Dehn

Dr Isaac Ryan

Dr Tessa Stewart

Dr Guillaume Hyron

Dr Shaun Aindow

Dr Sophie Dyhrberg



Open Hours


Monday         8.00 - 5.30 pm

Tuesday        8.00 - 5.30 pm

Wednesday   8.00 - 5.30 pm

Thursday      8.00 - 5.30 pm

Friday            8.00 - 5.30 pm


            By appointments



            Closed for lunch

      between  1.00-2.00pm

    Closed Saturday, Sunday

           & Public holidays



Between 8.00 am & 5.00pm


Xmas and New Year Hours

Click Here


























                                         Welcome to Pegasus Medical Centre


                             New Patients ( Residents of Pegasus, Ravenswood, Woodend and Waikuku)

                                                          are Welcome to Request to Enrol

(Depending on capacity requests might need to go on a wait list.

Enrolment is with the Medical Centre and Not a Specific Doctor)



Our professional team Provides a full range of general and family healthcare, and are committed to making excellent care available in our community. Our team speaks/understands 6 languages


If you have a medical emergency or are acutely unwell, please call 111.

                                          For urgent appointments/advice, please call and ask to speak to a nurse .


If you have any Flu-like symptoms, please call us first. One of our nurses will call you and assess your condition.



You can book  telephone or in-practice consultation by calling us or  using Manage My Health. When you call to book an appointment, you may be asked the reason for appointment, in order to book you appropriately. Some conditions or procedures need more time.

Priority of appointments for enrolled patients.

(Please note fees for phone consultations are the same as regular consultations.)


Manage My Health (MMH)”. You can  use this portal to book a consult, access lab results and request repeat prescriptions.

 If you need assistance to register with MMH, please contact our reception team who will be happy to help.

If you have any issues with MMH, contact NZsupport@mmhglobal.com .

You can download the app from the App store or Google Play, or our website  https://www.managemyhealth.co.nz.


Our online appointments are for GP Consultations only. Please call if you would like to book another service. For Minor surgery, mole checks , IUCD's, Mirena insertion, New Patients, Insurance medicals call reception.

Chronic Musculoskeletal problems require 2 appointments,


Due to Illness, we have ongoing Staff Absences. We might have to re-schedule your Appointment.

Any Urgent Patients will be seen on the day. Please be kind to our staff. We apologise for any inconvenience.


Our phone lines can be extremely busy and some patients find it hard to get through. Thank you for your patience. We are adopting different measures to alleviate that including  booking through Manage My Health.


For your results, non urgent clinical requests and queries, You can email the nurses directly instead of calling nurses@pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz

For administrative requests you can email reception@pegasusmedicalcentre.co.nz


Test results can take some time to be available and reviewed by the Doctor. You will be contacted if further action is needed.  They can be viewed on Manage My Health as well. Thank you for your patience.


Appointment times are indicative. The Doctors and Nurses try their best to be on time.

However, due to the nature of General Practice, acute and unwell patients and patients arriving late, there might be a wait time.

Our receptionists will inform you of that, if there is any. We appreciate your understanding.

Appointments are 15 minutes to cover one or two issues. If you have more issues to discuss or need more time, please book 2 appointments.

Please arrive on time. If you are late to your appointment, your Doctor may not be able to see you.


Zero Tolerance Policy

Our staff are here to assist you and your family. The Practice has ZERO tolerance approach to any verbal, aggressive, violent abuse and behaviour  towards staff or patients




NEW : NO SCALPEL VASECTOMY Done at Pegasus Medical Centre. Call reception to enquire /Book.

                                  Dedicated Musculoskeletal Consults, Steroid Injections with GP with Special Interest & Expertise.



 After Hours : In Emergencies Call 111 and ask for an ambulance To speak to a registered nurse call Healthline on 0800 611 116. The experienced nurses provide advice regarding the immediate management of your concerns. They can help you decide if you need to go the 24 hour surgery at 401 Madras st Christchurch, or will reassure you that it is safe to wait until the medical centre is open After Hours Telehealth Doctor Service This is a paid service . The Doctors ARE NOT Pegasus Medical Centre Doctors A charge applies for All Patients Including Children 5.00-10.00 pm weekdays 8.00 am -8.00 pm weekends



Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross for comprehensive skin examinations, skin cancer surgery and skin cancer diagnosis and treatment’




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Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross for comprehensive skin examinations, skin cancer surgery and skin cancer diagnosis and treatment’




52 Pegasus Main Street

Pegasus Town

PO Box  78041

 Pegasus, 7648

Phone 03 920 4060


Copyright © 2016, Pegasus Medical Centre, All rights reserved.